Source code for tangled.decorators

import functools
import pkgutil
import sys
import threading

from tangled.util import fully_qualified_name, load_object

[docs]class cached_property: """Similar to @property but caches value on first access. When a cached property is first accessed, its value will be computed and cached in the instance's ``__dict__``. Subsequent accesses will retrieve the cached value from the instance's ``__dict__``. .. note:: :meth:`__get__` will always be called to retrieve the cached value since this is a so-called "data descriptor". This *might* be a performance issue in some scenarios due to extra lookups and method calls. To bypass the descriptor in cases where this might be a concern, one option is to store the cached value in a local variable. The property can be set and deleted as usual. When the property is deleted, its value will be recomputed and reset on the next access. It's safe to ``del`` a property that hasn't been set--this won't raise an attribute error as might be expected since a cached property can't really be deleted (since it will be recomputed the next time it's accessed). A cached property can specify its dependencies (other cached properties) so that when its dependencies are set or deleted, the cached property will be cleared and recomputed on next access:: >>> class T: ... ... @cached_property ... def a(self): ... return 'a' ... ... @cached_property('a') ... def b(self): ... return '%s + b' % self.a ... ... >>> t = T() >>> t.a 'a' >>> t.b 'a + b' >>> t.a = 'A' >>> t.b 'A + b' When a property has been set directly (as opposed to via access), it won't be reset when its dependencies are set or deleted. If the property is later cleared, it will then be recomputed:: >>> t = T() >>> t.b = 'B' # set t.b directly >>> t.b 'B' >>> t.a = 'A' >>> t.b # t.b was set directly, so setting t.a doesn't affect it 'B' >>> del t.b >>> t.b # t.b was cleared, so it's computed from t.a 'A + b' """ def __init__(self, *args): if args and callable(args[0]): self._set_fget(args[0]) dependencies = args[1:] else: dependencies = args self.dependencies = set(dependencies) if dependencies else None self.lock = threading.Lock() def __call__(self, fget): self._set_fget(fget) return self def __get__(self, obj, cls=None): if obj is None: # property accessed via class return self name, attrs = self.__name__, obj.__dict__ if name not in attrs: # Make other threads wait while the cached value is being # computed due to attribute access. If some other thread is # already computing the cached value, wait here until it's # set. with self.lock: # This extra check is here in case a thread set the # cached value while other threads were waiting. if name not in attrs: self._add_to_dependency_map(obj, name) attrs[name] = self.fget(obj) attrs[self._was_set_directly_name(obj, name)] = False return attrs[name] def __set__(self, obj, value): self._update(obj, value) def __delete__(self, obj): self._update(obj) def _set_fget(self, fget): self.fget = fget self.__name__ = fget.__name__ self.__doc__ = fget.__doc__ def _update(self, obj, *args): name, attrs = self.__name__, obj.__dict__ with self.lock: if name not in attrs: self._add_to_dependency_map(obj, name) if args: attrs[name] = args[0] was_set_directly = True else: if name in attrs: del attrs[name] was_set_directly = False attrs[self._was_set_directly_name(obj, name)] = was_set_directly self._reset_dependents(obj) def _was_set_directly_name(self, obj, name): cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ obj_cls_name = obj.__class__.__name__ return '_%s__%s_%s_was_set_directly' % (obj_cls_name, name, cls_name) def _add_to_dependency_map(self, obj, name): if self.dependencies: dependency_map = self._get_dependency_map(obj) dependency_map[name] = self.dependencies def _dependency_map_name(self, obj): cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ obj_cls_name = obj.__class__.__name__ return '_%s__%s_dependency_map' % (obj_cls_name, cls_name) def _get_dependency_map(self, obj): obj_cls = obj.__class__ dependency_map_name = self._dependency_map_name(obj) if not hasattr(obj_cls, dependency_map_name): setattr(obj_cls, dependency_map_name, {}) dependency_map = getattr(obj_cls, dependency_map_name) return dependency_map def _reset_dependents(self, obj): """Reset cached properties that depend on this property. When this property is set or deleted, this finds its dependent cached properties and deletes them so that their values will be recomputed on next access. Properties that were set directly will be skipped. """ name, attrs = self.__name__, obj.__dict__ dependency_map = self._get_dependency_map(obj) was_set_directly_name = self._was_set_directly_name # For each cached property that has dependencies... for dependent, dependencies in dependency_map.items(): reset = ( # Is the updated property one of its dependencies? name in dependencies and # Is the attribute set on the instance? dependent in attrs and # Was it set directly via `self.x = y`? If so, don't # reset it. not attrs.get(was_set_directly_name(obj, dependent)) ) if reset: delattr(obj, dependent)
[docs] @classmethod def reset_dependents_of(cls, obj, name, *, _lock=threading.Lock(), _fake_props={}): """Reset dependents of ````. This is intended for use in overridden ``__setattr__`` and ``__delattr__`` methods for resetting cached properties that are dependent on regular attributes. """ if isinstance(getattr(obj.__class__, name, None), cls): return key = obj.__class__, name # Ensure only one thread attempts to creates the fake property. with _lock: if key not in _fake_props: fake_fget = lambda self: None fake_fget.__name__ = name _fake_props[key] = cls(fake_fget) fake_prop = _fake_props[key] with fake_prop.lock: fake_prop._reset_dependents(obj)
[docs]def per_instance_lru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False): """Least-recently-used cache decorator for methods and properties. This is based on :func:`functools.lru_cache` in the Python standard library and mimics its API and behavior. The major difference is that this decorator creates a per-instance cache for the decorated method instead of a cache shared by all instances. When :func:`functools.lru_cache` is used on a method, the cache for the method is shared between *all* instances. This means that clearing the LRU cache for a method clears it for all instances and that hit/miss info is an aggregate of calls from all instances. This is intended for use with instance methods and properties. For class and static methods, :func:`functools.lru_cache` should work fine, since the issues noted above aren't applicable. As with :func:`functools.lru_cache`, the arguments passed to wrapped methods must be hashable. Args: maxsize (int): - If positive, LRU-caching will be enabled and the cache can grow up to the specified size, after which the least recently used item will be dropped. - If ``None``, the LRU functionality will be disabled and the cache can grow without bound. - If 0, caching will be disabled and this will effectively just keep track of how many times a method is called per instance. - A negative value is effectively the same as passing 1. typed (bool): Whether arguments with different types will be cached separately. E.g., 1 and 1.0 both hash to 1, so ``self.method(1)`` and ``self.method(1.0)`` will result in the same key being generated by default. Example:: >>> class C: ... ... @per_instance_lru_cache() ... def some_method(self, x, y, z): ... return x + y + z ... ... @property ... @per_instance_lru_cache(1) ... def some_property(self): ... result = 2 ** 1000000 ... return result >>> c = C() >>> c.some_method(1, 2, 3) 6 >>> C.some_method.cache_info(c) CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=1, maxsize=128, currsize=1) >>> c.some_method(1, 2, 3) 6 >>> C.some_method.cache_info(c) CacheInfo(hits=1, misses=1, maxsize=128, currsize=1) >>> d = C() >>> d.some_method(1, 2, 3) 6 >>> d.some_method(4, 5, 6) 15 >>> d.some_method(4, 5, 6) 15 >>> C.some_method.cache_info(d) CacheInfo(hits=1, misses=2, maxsize=128, currsize=2) >>> C.some_method.cache_clear(d) >>> C.some_method.cache_info(d) CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=0, maxsize=128, currsize=0) >>> C.some_method.cache_info(c) # Unaffected by instance d CacheInfo(hits=1, misses=1, maxsize=128, currsize=1) >>> c.some_property # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 9900... >>> C.some_property.fget.cache_info(c) CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=1, maxsize=1, currsize=1) >>> c.some_property # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 9900... >>> C.some_property.fget.cache_info(c) CacheInfo(hits=1, misses=1, maxsize=1, currsize=1) """ if maxsize is not None and not isinstance(maxsize, int): raise TypeError('Expected maxsize to be an integer or None') def decorator(method): instance_wrappers = {} get_instance_wrapper = instance_wrappers.get lock = threading.Lock() lru_cache = functools.lru_cache @functools.wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): with lock: # The ID of the instance is explicitly used as the key # into the instance wrapper dict to ensure a cache is # created per instance even if instance.__hash__() is # overridden. This also avoids reentrancy issues since # this will keep instance.__eq__() from being called # when looking up the key. key = id(self) instance_wrapper = get_instance_wrapper(key) if instance_wrapper is None: instance_wrapper = lru_cache(maxsize, typed)(method) instance_wrappers[key] = instance_wrapper result = instance_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs) return result def cache_info(instance): with lock: instance_wrapper = get_instance_wrapper(id(instance)) if instance_wrapper is not None: return instance_wrapper.cache_info() return functools._CacheInfo(0, 0, maxsize, 0) def cache_clear(instance): with lock: instance_wrapper = get_instance_wrapper(id(instance)) if instance_wrapper is not None: return instance_wrapper.cache_clear() wrapper.__wrapped__ = method wrapper.cache_info = cache_info wrapper.cache_clear = cache_clear return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def register_action(wrapped, action, tag=None, _registry=_ACTION_REGISTRY): """Register a deferred decorator action. The action will be performed later when :func:`fire_actions` is called with the specified ``tag``. This is used like so:: # def my_decorator(wrapped): def action(some_arg): # do something with some_arg register_action(wrapped, action, tag='x') return wrapped # <-- IMPORTANT @my_decorator def my_func(): # do some stuff Later, :func:`fire_actions` can be called to run ``action``:: fire_actions(mymodule, tags='x', args=('some arg')) """ _registry.setdefault(tag, {}) fq_name = fully_qualified_name(wrapped) actions = _registry[tag].setdefault(fq_name, []) actions.append(action)
[docs]def fire_actions(where, tags=(), args=(), kwargs=None, _registry=_ACTION_REGISTRY): """Fire actions previously registered via :func:`register_action`. ``where`` is typically a package or module. Only actions registered in that package or module will be fired. ``where`` can also be some other type of object, such as a class, in which case only the actions registered on the class and its methods will be fired. Currently, this is considered non-standard usage, but it's useful for testing. If no ``tags`` are specified, all registered actions under ``where`` will be fired. ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` will be passed to each action that is fired. """ where = load_object(where) where_fq_name = fully_qualified_name(where) tags = (tags,) if isinstance(tags, str) else tags kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs if hasattr(where, '__path__'): # Load all modules in package path = where.__path__ prefix = where.__name__ + '.' for (_, name, is_pkg) in pkgutil.walk_packages(path, prefix): if name not in sys.modules: __import__(name) tags = _registry.keys() if not tags else tags for tag in tags: tag_actions = _registry[tag] for fq_name, wrapped_actions in tag_actions.items(): if fq_name.startswith(where_fq_name): for action in wrapped_actions: action(*args, **kwargs)