Source code for tangled.util

import importlib
import inspect

from . import path, random
from .path import *
from .random import *

__all__ = [
] + path.__all__ + random.__all__

NOT_SET = type('NOT_SET', (), {
    '__bool__': (lambda self: False),
    '__str__': (lambda self: 'NOT_SET'),
    '__repr__': (lambda self: 'NOT_SET'),
    '__copy__': (lambda self: self),
"""A ``None``-ish constant for use where ``None`` may be a valid value."""

    True: ('true', 'yes', 'y', 'on', '1'),
    False: ('false', 'no', 'n', 'off', '0'),

for b, strs in BOOL_STR_MAP.items():
    for s in strs:
        STR_BOOL_MAP[s] = b

[docs]def as_bool(value): """Convert value to bool.""" if isinstance(value, str): try: return STR_BOOL_MAP[value.strip().lower()] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Could not convert {} to bool'.format(value)) return bool(value)
[docs]def filter_items(items, include=lambda k, v: True, exclude=lambda k, v: False, processors=()): """Filter and optionally process ``items``; yield pairs. ``items`` can be any object with a ``.items()`` method that returns a sequence of pairs (e.g., a dict), or it can be a sequence of pairs (e.g., a list of 2-item tuples). Each item will be passed to ``include`` and then to ``exclude``; they must return ``True`` and ``False`` respectively for the item to be yielded. If there are any ``processors``, each included item will be passed to each processor in turn. """ try: items = items.items() except AttributeError: pass for k, v in items: if include(k, v) and not exclude(k, v): for processor in processors: k, v = processor(k, v) yield k, v
[docs]def get_items_with_key_prefix(items, prefix, strip_prefix=True, processors=()): """Filter ``items`` to those with a key that starts with ``prefix``. ``items`` is typically a dict but can also be a sequence. See :func:`filter_items` for more on that. """ include = lambda k, v: k.startswith(prefix) if strip_prefix: prefix_len = len(prefix) processors = (lambda k, v: (k[prefix_len:], v),) + processors filtered = filter_items(items, include=include, processors=processors) return items.__class__(filtered)
[docs]def load_object(obj, obj_name=None, package=None, level=2): """Load an object. ``obj`` may be an object or a string that points to an object. If it's a string, the object will be loaded and returned from the specified path. If it's any other type of object, it will be returned as is. The format of a path string is either 'package.module' to load a module or 'package.module:object' to load an object from a module. The object name can be passed via ``obj_name`` instead of in the path (if the name is passed both ways, the name in the path will win). Examples:: >>> load_object('tangled.util:load_object') <function load_object at ...> >>> load_object('tangled.util', 'load_object') <function load_object at ...> >>> load_object('tangled.util:load_object', 'IGNORED') <function load_object at ...> >>> load_object('.util:load_object', package='tangled') <function load_object at ...> >>> load_object('.:load_object', package='tangled.util') <function load_object at ...> >>> load_object(':load_object', package='tangled.util') <function load_object at ...> >>> load_object(load_object) <function load_object at ...> >>> load_object(load_object, 'IGNORED', 'IGNORED', 'IGNORED') <function load_object at ...> """ if isinstance(obj, str): if is_object_path(obj): module_name, obj_name = obj.split(':') if not module_name: module_name = '.' elif is_module_path(obj): module_name = obj else: raise ValueError('Path is not an object or module path: %s' % obj) if module_name.startswith('.') and package is None: package = caller_package(level) obj = importlib.import_module(module_name, package) if obj_name: attrs = obj_name.split('.') for attr in attrs: obj = getattr(obj, attr) return obj
def caller_package(level=2): frame = inspect.stack()[level][0] package = frame.f_globals['__package__'] return package